π Playing with TF
well, you will always find ways to improve things, when i was first writing the tf scripts, i needed to grab the argocd load balancer url, so i can feed it into the github webhook instead of having to do it manually
so i decided to use program execution process, like using kubectl wayyyy.
// get the load balancer url after the argocd helm deployment is done
data "external" "get_loadbalancer_url" {
depends_on = [helm_release.argocd]
program = ["sh", "-c", "kubectl get services -n argocd --selector=app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server -o jsonpath='{\"{\"}\"minio-bucket\": \"{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}\"}' | jq -c"]
// create the github webhook using the data from the above resource, add https to it and strip off the "%" value at the end of the results
resource "github_repository_webhook" "argocd" {
# depends_on = [data.external.get_loadbalancer_url]
repository = "gitops-repo"
configuration {
url = trimsuffix(join("", ["https://", "${values(data.external.get_loadbalancer_url.result)[0]}"]), "%")
content_type = "json"
secret = var.avoid-ddos-webhook //the secrets to avoid ddos if argo link is exposed
insecure_ssl = true
active = true
events = ["push"]
you would agree with me, that isnt an healthy process there, but it works right, haha, yes it works, but there is always room for improvement
knowing that the loadbalancer ingress is a kubernetes service, why not pull it back using the data source of kubernetes service, that looks more healthy and doesnt depend on kubectl shell execution.
A great way and good thing for those who might be moving their IaC to pipelines.
data "kubernetes_service" "argocd_server_service" {
metadata {
name = "argocd-server"
namespace = "argocd"
resource "github_repository_webhook" "argocd" {
# depends_on = [data.kubernetes_service.argocd_server_service]
repository = "gitops-repo"
configuration {
url = "https://${data.kubernetes_service.example_service.status[0].load_balancer[0].ingress[0].hostname}"
content_type = "json"
secret = var.avoid-ddos-webhook //the secrets to avoid ddos if argo link is exposed
insecure_ssl = true
active = true
events = ["push"]