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πŸ“ Terraform Destroy Error

gotten an error like this when you ran terraform destroy?

β”‚ Error: deleting EC2 Subnet (subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx): DependencyViolation: The subnet 'subnet-xxxxxxxxxxx' has dependencies and cannot be deleted.
β”‚ status code: 400, request id: f8f8890b-3617-43f1-a5b9-xxxxxxxx

You might want to discover the aws services that are the dependant of this services, we can use a simple bash script for the discovery instead of blindly scrolling the aws console.

aws ec2 describe-internet-gateways --region $myregion --filters 'Name=attachment.vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep InternetGatewayId
aws ec2 describe-subnets --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep SubnetId
aws ec2 describe-route-tables --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep RouteTableId
aws ec2 describe-network-acls --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep NetworkAclId
aws ec2 describe-vpc-peering-connections --region $myregion --filters 'Name=requester-vpc-info.vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep VpcPeeringConnectionId
aws ec2 describe-vpc-endpoints --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep VpcEndpointId
aws ec2 describe-nat-gateways --region $myregion --filter 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep NatGatewayId
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep GroupId
aws ec2 describe-instances --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep InstanceId
aws ec2 describe-vpn-connections --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep VpnConnectionId
aws ec2 describe-vpn-gateways --region $myregion --filters 'Name=attachment.vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep VpnGatewayId
aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --region $myregion --filters 'Name=vpc-id,Values='$vpc | grep NetworkInterfaceId

And you should get the output of all the depending services, and you can easily delete them and rerun the terraform destroy command

