Automate FInding and Fixing typos in large scale documentation
Good day guys, so i decided to write a bash script to automate, find and fix typos in large documentations either as a contributor or as a project maintainer.
Well i will like to say, this shouldnt be abused, Always make quality contribution and not quantity contribution to OSS Projects.
So lets get started;
Git clone the script from my github gist
git clone bulk-typos
Now navigate into the folder "bulk-typo"
cd bulk-typo
Next give the scriopt an executing right using the below command
chmod +x
Create a url file to add all the link of the github documentation repos
touch urls.txt
Then open the file to add the docs github repo urls.
nano urls.txt

After adding the links, press CNTRL + x, and then enter Y, and click enter.
When you are done, run the script and add the file where you want the output of your typos and the file that contains the github url of the documentation repos.
./ OUTPUTFILE.txt urls.txt
./ mytypos.txt urls.txt
When the script is done running, you can find all the typos in the mytypos.txt file, just run
cat mytypos.txt