Solutions to Docusaurus Issues i experienced
Autoreload while in localhostβ
Auto reload docusaurus in loaclhost using yarn start
and npm start
Add captions to blog imagesβ
Create Figure.js in your src/components and add this code snippet.
import React from "react";
export default function Figure({ children, src }) {
return (
<figure style={{ textAlign: "center", }}>
<img src={src} />
<figcaption style={{ color: "gray", fontSize: "small" }}>
and now go into your markdown file and import it
import Figure from '../src/components/Figure';
and wrap your image with this
<img src=""/>
Your Caption
Module not found : Error after updating Docusaurus everytime, Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@theme/BlogPostAuthors' in '/'
Just run
yarn run swizzle theme component
yarn run swizzle @docusaurus/theme-classic BlogPostItem --danger
since i use @docusaurus/theme-classic, thats why i used this example, if you use something else like @docusaurus/preset-classic, change yours to that.