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Lazy way of setting up a ghost blog on linode/digital ocean

Well, a week ago i couldnt pay up my DO bill and my droplets got deleted, meaning all the service i have on the droplet got cleaned out.

And now that i got back on my feet financially, i paid up the DO bills and then messaged their support for help with my droplets if it can still be recovered back, but unfortunately the answer was NO, it cant be retrieved.

Which means i have start every project afresh, that got me angry actially and i have moved to the linode platform as at the time of wrting.

Now i have to resetup a blog i host for an organization on DO using ghost cms back on linode, but due to improper documentation of how i did it the first development.

Then i had to create linode servers and delete them all over again for more than 3-5 times due to errors i was encountering. but yeah now that i have fully set the Ghost CMS up on linode, i will share with you all on how i got it done.

Firstly, you need to create a Linode account, using my referral link, you get $100 Linode Credit Free.

After creating you account, login into your account and create a Linode, after that login into your linode server via SSH

and then run the below commands

Adding new user​

adduser <user>


adduser saintmalik

Give the user some elevated permission​

usermod -aG sudo ghost-user

Now login as the user​

su - ghost-user

Next is to update the dependencies and other packages​

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

After this you need to install nginx​

sudo apt-get install nginx

Now open the firewall to allows HTTP and HTTPS connection​

sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'

Then we instal MySQL server​

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Add the NodeSource APT repository for Node 14​

curl -sL | sudo -E bash

Now we install NodeJS​

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

And here we are, Install the Ghost CLI globally​

sudo npm install ghost-cli@latest -g

Now its time install the ghost CMS, but it has to be in its own directory with proper permission.​

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/sitename

// creating the directory and replace the 'sitename' with whatever name you like.

sudo chown <user>:<user> /var/www/sitename

// this command is to set the user of the directory

``bash sudo chmod 775 /var/www/sitename

// now we need to set the corect permissions

cd /var/www/sitename

// now we move into the directory folder , this is where we are going to install the ghost

Installation of Ghost​

ghost install

then when the commands runs and you are reach the installation questions

Enter your blog URL:​

Put the exact blog url , you might be wondering why not, you dont worry i will still exlain that soon.

Enter your MySQL hostname:​

Leave the hostname as 'localhost", just press the enter button and proceed to the next question.

Enter your MySQL username:​

Enter "root" as the MySQL username

Enter your MySQL password:​

Enter your MySQL password here.

Enter your Ghost database name:​

Leave this as default , just press the enter button to proceed, because ghost automatically generates the the database name for you, but incase you are using the non-root MySQl, then you need to enter your own MySQL database name.

Do you wish to set up "ghost" mysql user?​

Enter yes here and proceed or just hit the enter button.

Do you wish to set up Nginx?​

Enter yes, and hit the enter button to proceed.

Setting up SSL​

You will notice this one is being skipped, dont worry, we will solve it just hold on.

Do you wish to set up Systemd?​

Enter "yes" or hit the ENTER buttopn to proceed.

Do you want to start Ghost?​

Enter "yes" or hit the ENTER buttopn to proceed.

Now that we have everything set up, you might be wondering how are we going to add the SSL, we will be using Cloudflare SSL.

Adding SSL to Ghost CMS using CloudFlare

Okay if you dont have a cloudflare account yet, then open one here.

Now connect your domain to cloudflare and make sure, its connected correctly and then to go the SSL Option and then Select the "Flexible Option" of Cloudflare SSL.

Then you have successfully added SSL to your Ghost CMS, easy and stress free.

Ressting/Updating your Ghost Password using Console/terminal

So goto your user that control ghost, the user, we added earlier, use the command

su - user


su - saintmalik

Then navigate to the directory where the ghost is installed,

cd /var/www/sitename

then run the following commands

mysql -u root -p

You will be promted to enter your MySQL password, which set earlier at the top.

now run


to switch to your database, after that, run

SELECT * from users;

to see all the users that are available in your database, give a closeer look and see the email of the user you want to change their password is present there.

after that, goto and enter your new password that will be hashed back into the BCrypt format, because ghost stores passwords in Bcrypt format.

after generating the Bcypt hash, your will be in this format


now in the mysql, we are going to run the following commands

update users
set password='$2b$10$ZEzovaKWYtzBWNy7AQuYgefGVlpxn/nrovC3Er/gv6/E6CrALoOe.'

// Replace this Bcrypt hash with your own generated hash

and lastly enter this command also

where email = [email protected];

//Replace the email with the email of the user you want to chnage their password

if the operation gets successful, you should see a response like this

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0

Thats all for now, will update the guide soon also, this is just to pour out the process before i forget. 🀞🏽
